MTC Event Waiver


a division of Global Independent, LLC
Mailing Address: PO Box 22055 Lansing, MI. 48909

I, (PARTICIPANT NAME), hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to enter on to and to engage in or to observe shooting and other activities at the Marksmanship Training Center (the “RANGE”) of Global Independent, LLC. I further acknowledge and understand that “shooting and other activities” includes any and all activities of any kind whatsoever in which I engage or observe while at the RANGE, whether sponsored by Global Independent, LLC or not.

I ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT SHOOTING ACTIVITIES ARE INHERENTLY HAZARDOUS and involve both known and unanticipated risks which could result in damage or destruction of property and physical or emotional injury, including paralysis or death, of myself or of other persons. The risks include, but are not limited to: being shot by or shooting myself or others; partial or total loss of eyesight or hearing; inhalation or other harmful contact with lead or other contaminants; and being struck by flying or falling objects. I understand that such risks cannot be eliminated without compromising the essential qualities of shooting activities.

I FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT the nature and condition of the RANGE facilities, premises and environment is such that both known and unanticipated hazards exist which create or contribute to both known and unanticipated risks inherent in entering on to the RANGE, in using RANGE facilities and in engaging in or observing any activities of any kind whatsoever while at the RANGE. The hazards include, but are not limited to: slippery, loose or falling soil and rocks; unimproved, unmaintained, or uneven terrain, walkways, steps and roads; poisonous or dangerous plants, reptiles, insects and other animals; and falling trees and tree branches. I understand that such hazards and risks cannot be eliminated without compromising the essential qualities of the RANGE facilities, equipment, premises and environment. 

I FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT Global Independent, LLC has no duty to undertake first-aid or rescue operations or procedures in the event any such property damage or physical or emotional injury occurs, and that any such operations or procedures may result in compounded or increased damages or injuries. 

I FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT Global Independent, LLC makes no warranty as to the design, manufacture, maintenance, condition or fitness for any particular purpose of any RANGE facilities or equipment, including, but not limited to: firearms, ammunition, eye/hearing protection, and first-aid supplies.

As lawful consideration for being permitted by Global Independent, LLC to enter on to the RANGE, to use RANGE facilities or equipment and to engage in or observe shooting and other activities at the RANGE, as either a Member or a Guest, I agree as follows: I EXPRESSLY AGREE TO ACCEPT AND ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS EXISTING ON THE RANGE AND IN ENTERING ON TO THE RANGE AND IN USING RANGE FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT AND IN ENGAGING IN OR OBSERVING SHOOTING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES AT THE RANGE. 

I AGREE to assume all responsibility and liability for any act or acts, even any negligent, reckless or criminal act or omission to act, of my Dependents at the RANGE (I understand that “my Dependents” includes any and all persons who are under the age of 18 years old who enter on to the RANGE, use the RANGE facilities or engage in or observe shooting and other activities at the RANGE as a result of my express invitation, supervision, permission or consent). I agree that I will ensure that each of my Dependents read and sign an “Acknowledgement of Risk, Release & Indemnity Agreement.” 

I AGREE that I, my next of kin, heirs, guardians, representatives and assigns HEREBY RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE AND AGREE NOT TO SUE Global Independent, LLC (I understand that Global Independent, LLC includes any and all managers, members, attorneys, agents, employees, contractors, volunteers, guests and affiliated individuals or organizations of Global Independent, LLC) from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, expenses, causes of action, attachments of property, or liability of any kind
whatsoever, that I, my next of kin, heirs, guardians, representatives or assigns may have for property damage, personal injury or death resulting from me or my Dependents entering on to the RANGE, using RANGE facilities or equipment, or engaging in or observing shooting and other activities at the RANGE, even if such claims, demands, damages, expenses, causes of action, attachments of property, or liability result partially or wholly from any act or acts, even any negligent act or omission to act, including negligent or omitted first- aid or rescue operations or procedures, by Global Independent, LLC. 


a division of Global Independent, LLC
Mailing Address: PO Box 22055 Lansing, MI. 48909

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Signature Certificate
Document name: MTC Event Waiver
lock iconUnique Document ID: d05c54531a738e20dfee0a695b20c76c9d94923e
Timestamp Audit
March 31, 2022 9:37 pm CSTMTC Event Waiver Uploaded by Ken Wheeler - IP 2600:1008:b162:90ed:4caa:fd05:fc57:8364, 2600:1008:b162:90ed:4caa:fd05:fc57:8364